Hey I just wanted to hit up the blog with a bunch of random stuff thats been on my mind.
-Day job.
I have changed my work schedule at my day job at the University of Phoenix. I am at the office at 6:00am at the latest (I've been coming in early to do Overtime) and off by 2:30pm. I wanted to be able to still go out and do photoshoots in the good light which is coming earlier everyday. So yeah I am fully aware of how dark it is outside at 4:30am.
-November is full.
I am booked for November. If you are wanting to do Christmas card pictures or something lets see if we can do it the first week of December to get them out in time.
-I'm a Mac.
I am officially changing religions this week. I am going to be ordering a 24" iMac. My PC is slowing down and it is taking FOREVER to edit images in there.
- Gas prices.
Why isn't anyone throwing a party? Price of gas has dropped over a dollar a gallon? Are we all so negative to just brush that aside? Why is this not as big a deal as when it went UP a dollar a gallon? It's the media's fault.